Saturday, October 1


Due Tuesday, October 4

1. Read What Cannot Be Seen by Gerry Badger

2. Read The Photographer's Eye by John Szarkowski

3. Begin working on Project 2 (Show Not Tell/Self-Portrait). Brainstorm, take notes, make a plan, begin shooting

Materials for Tuesday:
Hard drive

Wednesday, September 28

Critique 1- Exploring the Frame

Thursday, September 29

1. 5-7 prints ready to hang and turn in (portfolio)

2. Those 5-7 images posted on your blog

3. Digital contact sheets of ALL images taken for the project posted on your blog

For this critique, you should have no more than 2 close up images. Your images should show me that you can construct complex compositions. Step back and fill the frame with a number of elements and show me you can control the frame. We will be hanging four students' work at a time, so please do so before class so we can begin promptly at 2:10.