Friday, September 16


Due Tuesday, September 20

1. Finishing editing image from today's walk activity. Be ready to print on Tuesday with edited image and paper.

2. Post photograph from the walk activity on blog with some thoughts

3. Photograph for Project #1: Exploring the Frame

Thursday, September 15

Project 1- Exploring the Frame

Photograph the things you might normally overlook. Explore what is around you and experiment with translating it into a photograph. You will use different visual tools such as line, color and value along with principles of design to create dynamic and successful compositions. Use composition in as many different ways as possible. For each picture you must take at least 3 frames, changing something about the composition each time. Learn to be aware of every element within the frame. In your final group there cannot be more than 2 photographs taken close to the subject. Step back and fill the frame with more so you can learn how to control it. Remember: For this project you should not be focused on photographing beautiful things, but instead, making beautiful photographs.

5-7 final prints
Maximum of  2 close ups
At least 3 frames for each image, changing the composition in each
Digital contact sheets and final photos posted to blog before critique begins

Critique: Thursday, September 29

Some approaches to experiment with:
1.  Extreme symmetry and asymmetry
2. Photograph in different types of light
3. Multiple angles of view: shooting from above or below the eye line
4. Shooting from the hip without looking through the viewfinder
5. Using the edge of the frame only with blank centers
6. A frame within a frame
7. Staying in one location for a thirty-minute period

Tuesday, September 13

Blog Post 3- Response to Editing Activity + Talking about Composition

1. Post two images from your own selection and two images from your classmates' selection to post to your blog. Along with those four images, write one paragraph reflecting on the images that were chosen. Were they different or the same? Why do you think they were chosen? You'll find a recap of exporting for the web on myCourses

2. Here are three pictures. Write at least two paragraphs explaining which one you like most and why you made this choice. Talk about the different components of the photograph. Aspects of the composition, the light, the subject, etc. Use and discuss what you already know about elements of composition. Think back to the way I was talking about the work in the hallway. Post the image along with your response

Stephen Shore
South of Klamath Falls, U.S. 97, Oregon

July 21, 1973

Nicholas Nixon
Bebe and I

Larry Sultan
Los Angeles, Early Evening

Monday, September 12

Access to Lightroom

A few students have reached out about not having Lightroom on their laptops. You guys will have to go into the lab when you want to use Lightroom. This means whenever you want to do some editing, print your photos or, like this weekend's homework, make a contact sheet. You are by no means expected to have Lightroom on your laptops, which is why we have Lab Hours for you guys. Sorry if I did not make this clear!

The lab will be open tonight 5:00-10:00pm and tomorrow 12:30-2:00pm.

Students who didn't have hard drives on Thursday:
Go to myCourses > Course Files > Tutorials for directions on how to
-Format your hard drive
-Create a catalog
-Import to Lightroom

For the future: you can find the Lab Schedule hung on the door of the lab and on here in the "Useful Links" panel on the sidebar to the right ----->

Sunday, September 11

Creating Contact Sheets

Follow the directions in the following video to create a contact sheet of your images:

Important Points:
     -Select 4x5 Contact Sheet
     -Have nothing checked under Image Settings
     -Under Page, only check Photo Info

The video tutorial does not go over the Print Job tab, so these are the directions on how to export your contact sheet for your blog, not for printing:

Under Print Job,
1. Uncheck Draft Mode Printing
2. Set the Print Resolution at 300ppi
3. Uncheck 16 Bit output
4. Click Printer... at the bottom and a dialogue box opens up
5. In the lower left corner, select Save as a PDF
    When you save, please change the name of the file
    ex: Ryan_ColorTheory_ContactSheet.pdf
6. Click Save
7. You can't post a pdf file on your blog, so you'll have to
    make one last change. Open the pdf file in Acrobat and
    save it as a PNG. If you have numerous pages for
    contact sheets, it will save each page individually.
    Be sure to post all the pages on your blog.