Tuesday, October 4

Blog Post 5- Person, Place and Thing

For this assignment you will create a group of photographs that work together to describe one thing. You will explain and describe this thing/topic in three photographs: one of a person, one of a place, and one of a thing. The "Person" photograph must include a physical human presence. Photograph one person or multiple people that help describe your topic. The "Place" photograph should show an interior or exterior space the helps describe your topic. This could be the landscape or interior space something occupies or a place where something happened. The "Thing" photograph should include objects related to your topic. Photograph a still life, either found or created. The goal of this assignment is to open your eyes to the different ways you can describe something and explore the visual associations our minds create.

Choose one topic (state in blog post)
Post 3 photos:
   1 portrait (person/people)
   1 place (landscape/interior)
   1 thing (object/still life)


Due Thursday, October 6

1. Edit/select portraits from class. Post to blog.
 *Be ready to look at and discuss with class on Thursday*

2. Blog Post 5: Person, Place and Thing

3. Work on Project 2 (Show Not Tell/Self-Portrait)

Materials for Thursday:
Hard drive

Monday, October 3

Project 2- Show Not Tell/Self-Portrait

Photographers are apt to draw inspiration from any number of places--our histories and dreams, long walks, paintings, music, novels, other people’s photographs, or the news. For this project you will be using yourself as inspiration to create a self-portrait, which will be in the form of a series of 5-7 images. The group of photographs may include portraits, landscapes and still lives.

I want you to imagine that you have somehow lost your ability to speak and the only thing you can use to communicate with others is your photographs. How would you represent yourself, or a certain part of yourself without words? You must show your audience through your photographs, not tell them using words. Your photographs must give a sense of who you are and what you feel (not just what you see or how you look).

Series of 5-7 images as self-portrait
No verbal or written description to your audience (classmates)
Final photos posted to blog before critique begins

Critique: Tuesday, October 18

Lee Friedlander

Cindy Sherman

Andrea Wallace

Nicholas Nixon