Thursday, December 8

Final Print Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Your final prints are due by Monday, December 12, by 10:00am.

The art office will be open as normal (7:30am-4:30pm), so if I am not in my office, then please go into the digital lab through the art office. Leave your final prints on the front table clearly labeled with your name. I will be emailing you all when everything is graded and ready to be picked up from the digital lab.

Thank you so much for a great semester! I hope you enjoyed the class. If you ever have any questions feel free to email me at

Wish you all the best!

Sunday, December 4

Final Work Day

Tuesday, December 6

I would like everyone to have a working artist statement. This is not your final draft but you should have a good idea of what you need/want to say. I want everyone to have something on paper (either printed or handwritten) so that it can be shared with classmates and notes can be made. We will be spending part of the class reading these statements, discussing them and helping each other resolve any issues. In addition to working on artist statements, there will be some time for you to work on editing/printing. I recommend that you take advantage of the fact that I will be there, along with the rest of your classmates, and ask for input and ask any questions you may have. This will be a good time to hang your work, step back, think about details of editing and how you want to present your final prints.

For Tuesday:
- Artist Statement (on paper)
- Working images/prints

Tuesday, November 29

Work In Progress Meeting Schedule

Tuesday, November 29

2:20-2:40  Makenzie Pelletier
2:40-3:00  Madison Cooper
3:00-3:20  Jode Gayle
3:20-3:40  Chloe Frye
3:40-4:00  Sohee Kim
4:00-4:20  Sarah Hinzman
4:20-4:40  Rebecca Migotsky
4:40-5:00  Cydney Sloan

Thursday, December 1

2:20-2:40  Melanie Brody
2:40-3:00  Taylor Schwartz
3:00-3:20  Erica Lynch
3:20-3:40  Daniel Dias
3:40-4:00  Mike Lopez
4:00-4:20  Liz Ingoldsby
4:20-4:40  Jordyn Poole
4:40-5:00  Shannon Luck

Tuesday, November 15

Artist Talk Write-Up- Podcasts

Due by Thursday, December 8th

Listen to one of the following podcasts and write a one-page response. Your write-up should include a description of what was covered and discussed. Also, include your thoughts on the artist's work and what was said. Mention anything that stood out to you or caught your interest.

No. 7- Brian Ulrich (Soundcloud)
No. 7: Brian Ulrich, Andrew Russeth- Images from talk

No. 102- John Divola

No. 257- Anthony Hernandez

No. 168- Alec Soth

Sunday, November 13

Scheduling Final Critique- Doodle Poll

You guys will all receive an email from me via Doodle, an online poll that will help us schedule a date and time for our final critique. This is an easy way for me to collect all of your schedules and figure out what time would work best for everyone. Simply fill out the times that you are available on the selected days by checking the box when you are free and leaving it blank when you are busy. Click save to submit your responses. You should be able to go back in and edit your responses if anything changes.

Finally, I understand that you all have finals, classes, work, etc. but please be considerate and do not say you're busy if you really aren't (or if you just want to sleep in). There are 16 projects to get through, so I'm asking all of you to be as flexible as possible.

Email me with any questions you have.

Wednesday, November 9

Final Project

Throughout the semester I have developed assignments and projects specifically to help you learn about different aspects of photography. However, a huge part of being an artist means being self-disciplined and self-motivated. So, for your final project you will be responsible for developing your own project. I have determined general requirements and have set a timeline for the next few weeks, but you are responsible for coming up with the idea/topic of your project. Begin by writing down your thoughts in any form you choose, such as a list of subject matter, conceptual thoughts, narrative plots, places to photograph, questions you have, etc. Choose a subject/topic/idea that you are interested in and investigate it over the next few weeks.

You will write a one-page proposal describing your project and what you hope to investigate further through your photographs. You will present your project to the class with preliminary ideas, sketches, inspiration and work-in-progress. On the week of November 29th, each of you will meet with me individually to look at work-in-progress and discuss the development of your project. For the final critique you will write a short artist statement about your work, which will be presented at the time of your critique and posted on your blog along with your final images. For this project I strongly encourage you to print on paper larger than 8.5x11”. Refer to the requirements below for the number of prints required for each paper size.

Written proposal and presentation to class (due Thursday, November 17th)
Work-in-progress meeting (sign up for a slot on November 29th or December 1st)
Number of final prints:
12-15 prints if you’re printing at 8.5x11”
9-12 prints if you’re printing at 11x14” or 11x17”
7-10 prints if you’re printing at 13x19“
Artist statement
Final images and statement posted to blog before critique

Tuesday, November 8

Critique 4- Mystery Bag

Thursday, November 10

1. 4 prints ready to hang and turn in (portfolio)

2. Those 4 images posted on your blog before critique

3. Contact sheet of all photographs taken for this project

We will be hanging four students' work at a time. Please begin hanging your work before class so we can begin promptly at 2:10.