Sunday, September 11

Creating Contact Sheets

Follow the directions in the following video to create a contact sheet of your images:

Important Points:
     -Select 4x5 Contact Sheet
     -Have nothing checked under Image Settings
     -Under Page, only check Photo Info

The video tutorial does not go over the Print Job tab, so these are the directions on how to export your contact sheet for your blog, not for printing:

Under Print Job,
1. Uncheck Draft Mode Printing
2. Set the Print Resolution at 300ppi
3. Uncheck 16 Bit output
4. Click Printer... at the bottom and a dialogue box opens up
5. In the lower left corner, select Save as a PDF
    When you save, please change the name of the file
    ex: Ryan_ColorTheory_ContactSheet.pdf
6. Click Save
7. You can't post a pdf file on your blog, so you'll have to
    make one last change. Open the pdf file in Acrobat and
    save it as a PNG. If you have numerous pages for
    contact sheets, it will save each page individually.
    Be sure to post all the pages on your blog.

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