Tuesday, October 18


Due Thursday, October 20

As part of your research for the Emulation project, visit the library and check out one photobook/art book including the work of any photographer and bring it to class on Thursday, October 20th. Together we will look at the books and build a collection of possible options.The book does not have to contain the work of the photographer you choose, but it is important that you look at a number of photographers before making your decision. I want to see that you have been actively looking at different artists, so I would like to see a short list of names that you have narrowed down. If you already have one particular artist in mind, I still want you to look into other photographers so you can become familiar with more work and see what's out there.

So, where are the photobooks in the library?
If you have already looked online at the library catalog for "photography," you'll know that the photography books can be found on Dimond-Level 2 in the TR section.

Bring photobook
Narrow down and bring list of possible options

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