Tuesday, October 25

In-Class Activity: Cutting/Pasting and Rearranging Compositions

Part 1:
Cutting and Pasting
Using the photograph of yourself, replace the background. You will investigate 3 different approaches to making selections (magic wand, quick selection, lasso), refining the edge of your selection and how to copy, cut and paste. Repeat the following steps 3 times:

1. Open image in Photoshop
2. Duplicate Background layer
3. Isolate the figure from the background using the Magic Wand / Quick Selection / Lasso
4. Replace the background with another image or color field
5. Save working file as psd. Label w/ tool used to make your selection (Ex: RemoveBackground_MagicWand)
6. Save version for web (jpeg)
7. Post to blog

Part 2:
Making New Compositions
Create new compositions in Photoshop from the images provided. Explore the power of Photoshop’s editing capabilities by rearranging, duplicating, resizing, recoloring objects in the images. You may use any of the Transform functions, cut/copy/paste, adjustment layers, etc. but make sure to follow the rules given for each work of art. Choose to manipulate at least 2 of the following:

1. Kasimir Malevich- Black Rectangle, Blue Triangle, 1915
    Rule: Use the Lasso tool to make your selections

2. Henri Matisse- Blue Nude IV, 1952
    Rule: You have to use all seven parts to make your new composition

3. Kasimir Malevich- The Wood Cutter
    Rule: Change at least one color on the figure

4. Kasimir Malevich- 18th Construction (Left)
    Rene Magritte- Golconda (Right)
    Rule: Use elements of both of these images in one composition


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