Sunday, October 9


Due Tuesday, October 11

1. Edit and print scanned image. Your goal is to make a reproduction (as close a match as possible) of the original document. You will turn in your print along with the original scanned document at the beginning of class.

2. Edit and print Picnic Table image. You should work towards making your print look as natural as possible. Focus on the color casts both on screen and in your prints. Make subtle adjustments. Utilize the tone curve and adjustment brushes in Lightroom.

3. Have work in progress for Project 2: Show Not Tell/Self-Portrait. I will be looking at what you've done so far. Remember: Critique 2 is next Tuesday, October 18.

Materials for Tuesday:
Print of scanned image + original document
Print of Picnic Table image
Hard drive (with work in progress)
Portfolio box/binder (if I don't already have yours)
I will be returning the portfolios that I have with your work graded, you will swap out the images inside and turn in your scan and picnic table prints

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