Thursday, October 13

Project 3- Emulation

You are to photograph a series of images by following in the tradition, style, process, or technique of another artist or photographer. The derivative work should be the reproduction of the conceptual and/or technical features of the chosen photographer’s work. You should intend to push and express your own vision and views without directly copying. In other words, leave room to develop and find your own ideas within the project. You will build a consistent body of work containing 5-7 images. I want to see variety as well as an in-depth exploration of the chosen photographer’s style, process, or technique.

Choosing a photographer: You may use any photographer for your emulation. As part of your research, visit the library and check out one photobook/book including the work of any photographer and bring it to class on Thursday, October 20th. The book does not have to contain the work of the photographer you choose. Together we will look at the books and build a collection of possible options. Once you have made your decision, you will write a blog post about your chosen photographer. See Blog Post #6.

Choose photographer
5-7 final prints
Final images posted to blog before critique

Related Assignments:
HW- Bring in photobook on Thursday, October 20th
Blog Post #6 due by 5:00pm on Friday, October 21st

Critique: Thursday, November 3

Things to keep in mind: Build a consistent body of work, explore old/new photographic materials and techniques, explore and nurture your own style

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